Hi All,
We have two servers cognos 10.2.1 v
1 cm
2.dispatcher server
While starting the CM and then dispatcher cognos started successfully but when i look at the details logs the Event service getting failure for both server (CM,Dis)
we tried twice restart server and services but no luck - Due to this the schedule is not working report are running fine but schedule is not happening
Please let me know schedule function handle by event service ???
Also when i check upcoming or schedule tab in cognos administration getting below error
(DPR-ERR-2014 Unable to load balance the request because no nodes in the cluster are available, or no nodes are configured for the service: eventManagementService.)
cognos details error:
[Launching a JVM using 'Maximum memory in MB']
Successfully launched a test JVM with the memory setting of '3584'. Note that this does not guarantee that the IBM Cognos service will start and run successfully.
To see which JVM options are based on this setting, view ibmcognos_location/bin/bootstrap_<OS>.xml and see your JVM documentation for an explanation of those options.
[Start Service]
06:30:03, 'LogService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:03, CAF-WRN-0011 CAF input validation disabled.
06:30:03, CAF-WRN-0021 CAF Third Party XSS checking disabled.
06:30:05, DPR-DPR-1002 Successfully registered the dispatcher http://usto-papp-cog32.amgen.com:9300/p2pd in Content Manager.
06:30:07, 'idVizService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'ReportDataService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'IBM Cognos Enhanced Search Service', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, Start a PPESBusServer because the start count 1 is larger than 0.
06:30:29, 'SACamSrvc', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'PDC', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'PowerPlayService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:30, 'ContentManagerCacheService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:30, 'RepositoryService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:30, 'MobileService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'CacheService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:30, 'BatchReportService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:29, 'visualisationGalleryService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:32, 'PresentationService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:39, 'QueryService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:41, 'relationalMetadataService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:41, 'burstDistributionService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:41, 'QueryService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:43, 'MetricsManagerService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:44, 'BUX Service', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:46, 'GraphicsService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:46, 'camAsyncAA', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'SMDService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'idVizServer', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'idVizService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'QLSService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'idVizService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'idVizServer', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'QLSImportService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'QLSBIService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:47, 'SystemService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'AgentService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'DataIntegrationService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'HumanTaskService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'EventService', 'StartService', 'Failure'.
06:30:48, 'IndexUpdateService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'ReportService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'IndexDataService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'Fragment Server Service', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'JobService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'MonitorService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'MigrationService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'IndexSearchService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'MetadataService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'DimensionManagementService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'DeliveryService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:48, 'AnnotationService', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:49, 'CPS Producer Registration Service', 'StartService', 'Success'.
06:30:50, 'Dispatcher', 'Start', 'Success'.
Schedules will be handled by event managemnet service thats why schedules are not working in your env.
Even the upcoming activities and schedules will be shown on admin page by event management service.
I am just wondering why its name coming as just event service......it should be event management service. I dont know if IBM has modified the service name in new version.