(//)Hi Gurus:
We can login though all LDAP and Windows Active Directory authentication when login though (http://hostname/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi .The problem is we want to use DNS alias to get a more friendly URL (http://cognos10.domain.com/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi ) , we could open the URL, it working fine, but the weird is when we input the login , it doesn't enter the landing page, it is always forward into login page again, if we use URL with host name, it's ok, not this issue.
Besides, login the remote server and visit url: http://localhost/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi or http://localhost/ibmcognos , the same issue:when we input the login , it doesn't enter the landing page, it is always forward into login page again.
we want to use http://cognos10.domain.com/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi
instead of http://hostname/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi
Could someone please help to look into this ?
Hi Guru's,
It is weird that url with hostname can successful log on and land to cognos connection page. http://hostname/ibmcognos/cgi-bin/Cognos.cgi
but URL with ip address or DNS alias or localhost(login remote server), it doesn't enter the landing page, it is always forward into login page again. (see attached picture)
If I have configured something incorrectly regarding IIS, Cognos Namespace, why it log on successfully for URL with hostname ?
Greatly appreciate it if someone could help out !
Two different problems:
DNS alias - probably routing through a firewall so the session information is not getting passed through. Run a tracert against the domain.com address to see which boxes it hits - one of those is likely a firewall or similar. It could also be a trusted domain issue - may want to add them to the valid domains list in Cognos Configuration on the server
Remote server/localhost - depending on IIS configuration, this can happen and be totally unrelated to your domain.com issue. It's not relevant and actually misleading.
In a nutshell, if short name works, and FQDN doesn't (domain.com), you either have a traffic routing issue or a domain that needs to be added into the Cognos Configuration list (somewhere in the security section, I think - I don't remember offhand)