Hi Friends,
I need to drill through from my active report to normal list report based on parameter or using dynamic filtering fuctionality.
The drill through functionality is working correctly when I do in non active reports in all the ways. But While I am doing using AR -> List report its not working. when I click on drill through link in active report it is giving the internet explorer error.
Diagnoise connection problems error without throwing an error.
Please suggest how to move on this. Looking forward for your suggestions.
Are you on the iPad or the computer when you are trying to drill to the new report?
If on the iPad remember if you are using application drill through, the report has to be on the iPad. If you are using traditional drill through, you have to be online. Make sure that you didnt move or rename the drill to report. The settings are sensitive that way.
If you are using a computer browser you also need to be running/viewing the report from within Cognos Connection to be able to use the drill-through functionality. Alternatively you could construct a URL in the active report that points to a specific report in your Cognos instance and put it into a hyperlink in the report?