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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: friendtoall on 23 Aug 2007 12:35:37 PM

Title: how to create E.lists?
Post by: friendtoall on 23 Aug 2007 12:35:37 PM
I am a fresher in cognos planning.I know how to create D.lists but i dont know how to create the E.Lists.
can anyone help me in this.

can anyone here have good experience in cognos planning please let me know.
i have many doubts to get clarified .i promise that i won't disturb much but i wanted to have a good support when i am in any need of subject. me.
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: gidster on 24 Aug 2007 10:27:14 AM
Simply put an E-List is a particular type of D-List which Contributor uses to 'hold' data against.  They are often set up as Cost Centres, Products etc.

I have found the most effective way of maintaining these is via a spreadsheet.  If you set up a spreadsheet with the following column headings

Then you will be on your way.

A couple of points: your top level item (for arguments sake, lets call it TOTAL COMPANY) needs to be used across all 3 columns ie TOTAL COMPANY TOTAL COMPANY TOTAL COMPANY

I would also start by setting the Spreadsheet up in the order you want to see it so your E-List Item Order will just be a sequence of numbers.

And to start with I would set the view and review levels to 20 and the Elist Item Published to YES

You can get more sophisticated with this once you can see it working.

Clearly the spreadsheet on its own is not need to get the information into the Admin Console.  Use the E-List Import function.

Of course, in parallel to this you also need to ensure you have the correct User Rights.  Typically this can be done in Access Manager, but this is a whole other piece.

I suggest that you sign up to some sort of training, but in the meantime I hope the above helps!
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: friendtoall on 28 Aug 2007 04:04:06 AM

thanks a lot for your valuable reply.
i finished the work successfully.
thanks once again.

what training you are talking about?
where these trainings are going?
i dont know about anything.
if you know please suggest me.

thanks 'n Regards,

Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: SomeClown on 28 Aug 2007 05:39:15 AM

Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: friendtoall on 29 Aug 2007 04:02:25 AM
SomeClown ,

Thanks for the link. but it is not free training i costs more and i cannot bear company doesn't pay for it.
if any ordinary training by any institutes please let me know.
so that i too can affort.

or any different free training sites please let me know.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: SomeClown on 29 Aug 2007 05:23:47 AM
To my knowledge, there is only training for a fee from either Cognos or Cognos partners.  I do not know of any free training sites for Planning.
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: friendtoall on 29 Aug 2007 05:32:31 AM
thanks for the reply SomeClown.
will try to find out someother way.
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: cbrandt on 09 Sep 2007 07:52:10 AM
It is also worth it to have a proper read through the application help documents. Seriously, Cognos put some good stuff into them. You find even some "best practice" for building Analyst models for Contributor. They are quite extensive and it may take a day or two to read them complete, but it it is definately a good starting point.

Also, if your company has a support account you can browse through the Cognos Support website there are some good documents there, too.
Title: Re: how to create E.lists?
Post by: friendtoall on 21 Sep 2007 04:00:28 AM


Thanks for the valuable reply.
Will try to follow the same.
