Hi All,
I am working on a project from scratch with zero knowledge on admin task..as of now we have installed bi cognos on server machine and
uses the geteway url to access the cognos connection/portal. There is no security .We want to enable single sign on on cognos.
I have heard about active directory setup/ldap authentication but to be honest i have no idea about all these...can anyone help me in giving idea about how to approach for this single sing on thing..where we will have user sign on details stored?
Please help me in this...
In videos i am seeing about setting active directory,they are opening congos config,right click on cognos authntication tab adding name of active directory like : AD ,then defining name space : xyz and then host and port,and then binding credential....
I want to know what is first steps for all this..is this host name and port is of server where cognos is installed...do we have to separately create active directory somewhere..and if yes..where..etc...
If you have no security whatsoever, and no access to a corporate Active Directory instance, your best bet is to install "Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services" - this used to be called "ADAM - Active Directory for Applications" - from within your Windows add/remove components. This will allow you to run an application-specific authentication service that you can use for Cognos.
HOWEVER I suspect your organization already has an Active Directory setup? Most companies use AD, so why not just look at their existing AD?
Anyway, details of AD-LDS is available at the following link:
The admin documentation is all online. Here is the part about configuring your authentication provider(s).
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.inst_cr_winux.10.2.1.doc/c_inst_configureauthenticationprovider.html?lang=en (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.1/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.inst_cr_winux.10.2.1.doc/c_inst_configureauthenticationprovider.html?lang=en)
Hi all,
Thanks for you reply......well i gues you are right..we might have active directory setup...but i dont know what exactly i should ask for and to whom.......is active directory is something which is available in one server..and in cognos configuration....we will link it to that server ??
Also suppose there are over 5 lakh employees in organisation..so active directory will contain details of all of them...now i only 50-100 people...to access over cognos url...anyone else cant even login...
what i have do to achieve this...
I think you need a experienced Cognos administrator at your site to setup all these things.