We have a cognos 10.2.2 Environment hosted on a RHEL 6.6 64 Bit server, The gateway is installed on IBM HTTP Server (Apache Based ) hosted on the same server.
We currently have Active Directory configured as an Authentication Name space.
Currently when a user logins to the Cognos server he is promoted with a username and password.
What we want is that the user logins on the windows machine on there Active Directory login and we want that to be passed to Cognos and be automatically Authenticated. Basically a SSO
I have found documentation on how to do it with Windows IIS but not with HTTP/ Apache Server. Any suggestions ?
I am looking for the same thing. Anyone got any experience with this?
I know this is quite an old post.
I am on the same boat now and having difficulty in finding information on Cognos on Linux with SSO.
Any leads/information from the gurus would be appreciated.