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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Transformer => Topic started by: Francis aka khayman on 27 Apr 2015 05:03:10 AM

Title: Cube No Data When Category is Set
Post by: Francis aka khayman on 27 Apr 2015 05:03:10 AM
I have a cube with a Product dimension that have five levels

Division, Market, Domain, Product Category, Product Group, Item

At Category and Product group level I get MUNs that have '~' because of duplicates. So when a user save report views, many would not run after a week because of 'Invalid member' error.

I am trying to fix this by modifying the category codes of Product Category and Product Group to this:

Product Category = Product Category ID
Product Group = Product Group ID

Product Category = Domain ID + Product Category ID
Product Group = Domain ID + Product Category ID + Product Group ID

Now we have two cubes, A = small one and B = big one (same as A but with 1 more dimension)

I was able to implement my fix in cube A, but not in cube B.
Here are the steps:
1. I clean house (future date - delete all generated categories)
2. Generate categories (categories get generated, category code is as defined above)
3. Create the cube

Cube A
After #3, all the records will be retrieved, build the cube and deploy successfully
Cube B
After #3, all the records will be retrieved, but will give me:

(TR0220) The temporary file for PowerCube 'B' is empty. Check that your source file contains data. [->OK]
Title: Re: Cube No Data When Category is Set
Post by: bdbits on 27 Apr 2015 09:22:34 AM
There should be a log file generated when you build the cube. There may be more information there as to the root cause.

When you generate the categories, if you open the categories 'diagram' do you see members in your dimensions? If so, I would be looking closer at measures for the problem. Also, you might want to right-click your data source queries and choose Data Source Viewer to see if in fact they are returning data. Maybe the problem is outside your cube model.
Title: Re: Cube No Data When Category is Set
Post by: Francis aka khayman on 27 Apr 2015 10:58:03 PM
Quote from: bdbits on 27 Apr 2015 09:22:34 AM
There should be a log file generated when you build the cube. There may be more information there as to the root cause.
Here are the last few lines before the error occurs:
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:22 PM   4   00A55A61   End processing 26079484 records from data source 'Fact'.
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:22 PM   4   00A55A61   Timing, READ DATA SOURCE,00:32:44
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:22 PM   4   00A55A61   Marking categories used.
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:24 PM   4   00A55A61   Timing, MARKING CATEGORIES USED,00:00:02
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:24 PM   4   00A55A61   Updating category status.
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:30:25 PM   4   00A55A61   Processing the work file.
Mon 27 Apr 2015 5:31:42 PM   3   0052CF49   (TR0220) The temporary file for PowerCube 'B' is empty. Check that your source file contains data. [->OK]

Quote from: bdbits on 27 Apr 2015 09:22:34 AM
When you generate the categories, if you open the categories 'diagram' do you see members in your dimensions? If so, I would be looking closer at measures for the problem. Also, you might want to right-click your data source queries and choose Data Source Viewer to see if in fact they are returning data. Maybe the problem is outside your cube model.

I can see the categories generated. In fact I have to suppress some members to reduce data. All data source return records.

I'm trying to remove the category definition and check if the cube gets generated normally.
Title: Re: Cube No Data When Category is Set
Post by: bdbits on 28 Apr 2015 05:31:40 PM
Quote from: khayman on 27 Apr 2015 10:58:03 PM
I can see the categories generated. In fact I have to suppress some members to reduce data. All data source return records.

From the log entries it looks to me like it is getting to the end and does not have any facts to populate the cube. I wonder could your suppression be inadvertently excluding all of the facts? Is it viable to remove the suppression just to see if it will build?