For purposes of generating cubes through batch procedures we have add Signon in Transformer model. Everything is working fine.
Authentication source is AD and at the moment that user is in System Administrators group on Cognos Connection portal.
Is this really necessary? Can this user be a part of some lower group?
At the moment I cannot really test it so that's why I'm asking here to see how others implemented it.
Thank you in advance!
It is not a requirement to be in the system admin group. You will need to ensure that whatever logon you use has full access to all of the data sources. You might also need write to the cube's package, though I am not 100% certain of that.
We use a system admin for all of our cube builds because the models require access to a lot of data sources, so it simplifies setup and administration. People who have access to the cube models generally have system admin permissions already, so it is not a security issue for us.
Thank you very much for your response. :)
I consider this topic closed.