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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: snadgir30 on 17 Aug 2007 07:53:47 AM

Title: Creating Calculation in Model
Post by: snadgir30 on 17 Aug 2007 07:53:47 AM
Hi CognosGuru's,

I am working on cognos Audit cube.

Here User table is maintained having information about users in organizantion as well table(Activity) that has datewise information about access privilages of user for a given application /package &  user's roles like professional author etc.

Now client wants to see a measure that shows/indicates from when user was given access to cognos group.     

                                              ------------------------- Time Dim-----------------
----------UserNameDim---------                   2006                       2007

                  abc                                             1                              1

We were able to show thsi at Year Level but now when if some one drills down to Month level in a given Year;values shown are random can be zero or one.

Here UserName & Time Dim values are coming from diffrent IQD's pointing to seperate Databases.

Now we have created view on Activity table that gives us Start & End Date for a given user.

My Question is

1.Can we create any calculation/calculated measure at Transformer Model level that compares these Start/End Date values with Time Dim values(on fly) to return 1 or 0 depending on the case.
    >:(--> I found that Calculation options available at Model level are rigid & its not possible at model level to create this kind of calculation.

2.At FM model level we are trying but there are some restrictions to it.

Can any one help me in this? If you are able to understand what i am trying to explain ;D
