Can I in some way block (hold) a sum in the contributor? And user can change detail items of it's sum, but can't change the sum or unblock (release) it.
Thanks for any opinions.
i think in contributor we cannot lock the data.
if you want to lock it i think you have to do it in analyst only.
please confirm it because i am not sure.
Do you just want to disable the data entry into totals or hold a given value?
You could use no breakback or Access Tables to achieve the first. For the second one it is a question of the design and what you want to achieve. What would happen if there is nothing entered, yet?
I would setup an adjustment line and do a caclulation.
E.g. Let's say a specific subtotal of cost is limited to 500k. I would build all the detailed items with write access for the end user to change and the an read only adjustment line and total. The adjustment line would be the gap between your given subtotal and the total of the detailed items (=500k-(all details). Your subtotal will then sum up all items including the adjustment.
Aim of the target process is then to eliminate the adjustment line. Can be verified easily from a top node.
Hope that helps