We have just upgraded from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2. I've rebranded our cognos connection and everything seems to be working EXCEPT for the titles (i.e.; the banner should say "ABCXYZ" instead of "IBM Cognos Connection" and same on the welcome screen.
The way we did this in 10.2.1 was to modify the "Portal_en.xml" file located in the c10\templates\ps\messages directory. HOWEVER, in 10.2.2 i noticed that this file is missing! It contains other "country" files but I don't see one for Portal_EN.xml. Am i missing something? I looked on another machine in which we have upgraded cognos to 10.2.2 and noticed the same thing. Portal_en file is missing.
How do we update the banner text in 10.2.2? Please help. Thank You.
This is of very little help but I recently did a similar upgrade.
Portal_en.xml was right there in the <installdir>\templates\ps\messages.
I did the 10.2.2 installation in to a separate directory if that matters.
Quote from: okh310 on 15 Apr 2015 09:46:09 AM
We have just upgraded from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2. I've rebranded our cognos connection and everything seems to be working EXCEPT for the titles (i.e.; the banner should say "ABCXYZ" instead of "IBM Cognos Connection" and same on the welcome screen.
The way we did this in 10.2.1 was to modify the "Portal_en.xml" file located in the c10\templates\ps\messages directory. HOWEVER, in 10.2.2 i noticed that this file is missing! It contains other "country" files but I don't see one for Portal_EN.xml. Am i missing something? I looked on another machine in which we have upgraded cognos to 10.2.2 and noticed the same thing. Portal_en file is missing.
How do we update the banner text in 10.2.2? Please help. Thank You.
I have 10.2.2 and the portal_en.xml file is there in my instance. I just took a look, and at the top it says this:
<!-- Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
IBM Cognos Products: localizationkit
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2013.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Generated using:
Id: //localizationkit/main/prod/msgsdk/CCLInputSource.xslt
SDK is now included with Cognos 10 BI admin licenses in 10.2.2, but it's a separate install. Have you installed it?