Heya everyone!
I've been using Cognoise for ages to get help but haven't been a very active poster. I'm changing my ways and would like to introduce myself and ask for some feedback in the process.
I've been a full time Cognos developer for four years, with some off and on experience beforehand. I actually come from a long and proud line of Cognos pros - my father joined Cognos in 1995 in the Detroit area and is still working in Cognos today. So I guess it's the family business. Currently I'm most focused on adapting Cognos 10.2.1 for self service by redesigning the environment and creating a number of custom views to get users to relevant data faster, as well as visualization customization using the new JSON editor that comes with RAVE.
I recently started a blog about Cognos and Watson about which I'd love your input. I am trying to take a more strategic, high level view of the toolset and IBM Analytics as a whole rather than provide the best how-to updates because, frankly, we already have CognosPaul so that niche is filled. Please take a look and let me know what you think...
http://ibmblueview.com (http://ibmblueview.com)
Welcome to Cognoise! I guess we're one of the exceptions to the claim that there's a lack of strong IBM Cognos community content available on the web? :) Does your father still work for IBM? He will get his 20 years service this year if so (and that is quite something!) I know a few IBMers, but not anyone with your last name. It's a big company, though!!
Quote from: MFGF on 08 Apr 2015 05:06:32 AM
Welcome to Cognoise! I guess we're one of the exceptions to the claim that there's a lack of strong IBM Cognos community content available on the web? :) Does your father still work for IBM? He will get his 20 years service this year if so (and that is quite something!) I know a few IBMers, but not anyone with your last name. It's a big company, though!!
Haha, yes! Practically
the exception. The old man is not still at IBM, he left in 2010 and is solo consulting. Still going strong with Cognos though!
Wow. I think you and your father are the only multi-generational Cognos aficionados I know exist. They should like give you both passes to the IBM Insight 2015 conference or something. 8)
Good start on content for the blog. Looks nice, too.
Oh, and welcome.
Welcome to Cognoise!
I disagree completely NYD3030! The how-to niche will never be fully filled. It truly saddens me that of the 30 odd sites on my feedly list, only a few of them are ever updated. Keep going on the blog, it's great so far.