today I installed fix pack 3 in my Cognos Express environment. After installation finished I restarted server as recommended.
When the server got up I couldn't log in on my administrator account to Cognos Express. I get a message like I entered wrong credentials. I triple checked it and confirmed that I didn't switch my keyboard mode (ctrl+shift). I am absolutely sure that I enter the correct password. What could be wrong? Has anyone encountered similar problem? I will be very grateful for any suggestions, because I need to have working environment untill next Wednesday.
Kind regards,
I have the exact same problem. I installed Fix Pack 3 on two CX instances. One was a fresh install with nothing on it and on that one I have no problems. I can log in with Administrator account and password that I've set up during installation.
On another instance, that's been in use for quite some time, after the Fix Pack 3 has been installed I can't login any more. Neither with Administrator nor any other user that I've created.
Please let me know if you find a solution for this.