Hi there,
this is most likely an easy question for some of you, I am still new to Cognos...
would appreciate any help thrown my way, thanks.
Trying to create a report, wherein the output shows one page for every record,
for instance, when I export to Excel, a report with 3 records/lines...
it would show 3 tabs/sheets with the data displayed nicely in a form like format.
I tried using singletons, which works well for the very first record, but the other
records are missing... do I use a repeater or a repeater table or ... not sure how
those work & trying to do searches leaves me leaving through hoards of messages
that do not address my query... I am at work, can not spend a lot of time browsing...
to hopefully find an answer... appreciate any help..
Set the Rows Per Page property on the list or crosstab object to 1