Hi all,
The friendly guys at Avnet are preparing to make some changes to the Cognoise forum soon, to add some useful new boards and to retire some old, unused boards. The forum may get a shiny new look, too, with a revised colour scheme. What I've seen proposed so far is very exciting, and should make our forum easier to use and navigate. I don't have timescales yet, but we're hoping you will like the changes and feel that they improve the community experience. I will keep you updated when I know more details...
Sounds very interesting. I do not mind the existing interface, but I am much older than the internet so I have definitely seen and used much, much worse over the years. 8)
But you're such a tease! Not even a timeframe other than soon? I guess I will just have to be patient, then.
Quote from: bdbits on 01 Apr 2015 03:10:05 PM
But you're such a tease! Not even a timeframe other than soon? I guess I will just have to be patient, then.
If I knew, I would tell you. Well, maybe ;)
Amazingly, most of the changes are now complete. The colour changes and one or two extra pieces are still to come, but a HUGE thanks to Andy and the guys at Avnet for such swift work! :)
Thank you MF for keeping everyone posted. It seemed like it was time to do a little house keeping. As you mentioned I'm planning on some updates to the theme to spruce things up a bit, but nothing to drastic. Ideas welcome though on new boards, reorganizing boards and plugins for SMF forums.
Thank you all and Happy Easter.
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This forum is supporting cognos community very very well. Keep it up!