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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: mr j on 31 Mar 2015 05:18:18 AM

Title: Branch in unbalanced hierarchy shows up twice in Contributor
Post by: mr j on 31 Mar 2015 05:18:18 AM
Hi all,

this is probably something I know, but please refresh me   :o

I'm updating a D-List with a customer hierarchy by import from database. It's unbalanced so that one branch has all 4 levels (Item - Parent 1 - Parent 2 - Total) populated in the database table, but another has no data in the field making up the first parent level in Planning (Item - Parent 2 - Total). Both branches sum up to the same Total.

This shows up looking ok in the D-List.

Exporting it to eList looks ok too, also when imported in Contributor Admin it's as it should be.

However, in Contributor grid the branch missing the first parent shows up twice. It's where it should be under the above illustrated "Total", but added to that it shows up as a separate branch with the Parent 2 on the same level as Total.

Obviously this is not what's wanted. What to do?

Oh, it's Planning 10.1.1.

Title: Re: Branch in unbalanced hierarchy shows up twice in Contributor
Post by: mr j on 02 Apr 2015 12:44:55 AM