How to trace SQL executed against report and user? i dont find this option in Audit database. Any easy way? Other BI tools like MSTR and OBIEE has this option in admin page itself.
I am not clear on what you are looking for. Are you troubleshooting or optimizing performance, or is this more of an audit trail? Is this a one-time thing or something on-going?
If you did not know, in Report Studio you can see the generated SQL, and copy it to your favorite query tool for further analysis.
There is also a report tracing facility you can enable on the server, but you do not want to leave it on all the time as there is a performance impact for all the logging it does.
And any DBA should know how to capture the SQL coming in from Cognos and monitor performance.
Thanks for your reply. I agree we can take the SQL from Report studio and by enabling trace. But On fly admin wants to monitor what is the current SQL executiion in the environment against user or report.
Try enabling "Audit the native query" option for report service or batchreport service and check if you can find the required information from cognos log file.