Can anyone suggest any tips on configuring cognos 8.2 server with WebSphere's Web Plug-in as webserver. The Cognos 8.2 server is on Solaris 10.
I do not have websphere as app server!!!
The documentation does not provide any information on this.
In a week or two, I will figure it out myself. Just waiting for my infrasturucture to be set-up.
Just use Cognos CGI gateways. Configure webcontent directory as cognos8 virtual directory and cgi-bin as application drectory.
Just to update the thread, we have used IBM HTTP Server instead of Websphere Web-Plugin. IBM is trying to consolidate all the misc web servers products and they suggested us to use IBM HTTP Server which is free.
Both the above mentioned web servers are based out of Apache.
It worked fine for me and cognos has it in their supported software list.
Darn. I missunderstood originally. With WebSphere, you can deploy ServletGateway and use it in place of the CGIs.