Hello Gurus,
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Some questions about versions and patches again....
I need to update our BI server (current v10.2.1 FP3) and would like to install de FP6 but I need to deploy mobile BI server component on one of our application servers and saw that there is a special FP4 for mobile, so....
Is the Mobile FP4 included on the BI FP6 (I tried looking for the APAR numbers corrected but not found anything)
Does I need to install BI Fp6 over the Mobile FP4 or Mobile FP4 over the BI FP6.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
OK, So I got it
For cognos v10.2.1 BI and Mobile even if the'y re installed in the same place are two different components so almost independent so I Installed FP6 for BI and FP4 for Mobile (in this order) and all seems to work.
For Cognos v10.2.2 the two components are less independant and BI FPs should include Mobile corrections too.