Posting here since there isn't a Dynamic Query sub-topic... sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
ANYhooo... I was told that it MAY be possible to set a specific level of a hierarchy in a dimension of a Dynamic Cube to not cache, but to always make a request to the underlying data source. Is this true? If so, any documentation to support and show how to implement as such?
We have a huge dimension table (18 million rows) and the cube hardware estimate is off the charts, so we are looking to have that dimension's lowest level not actually be in the cube. (The cube is built today with that level simply omitted and works good).
Any insights on this is greatly appreciated.
Thanks... Mark
Quote from: rockytopmark on 17 Mar 2015 12:34:34 PM
Posting here since there isn't a Dynamic Query sub-topic... sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
ANYhooo... I was told that it MAY be possible to set a specific level of a hierarchy in a dimension of a Dynamic Cube to not cache, but to always make a request to the underlying data source. Is this true? If so, any documentation to support and show how to implement as such?
We have a huge dimension table (18 million rows) and the cube hardware estimate is off the charts, so we are looking to have that dimension's lowest level not actually be in the cube. (The cube is built today with that level simply omitted and works good).
Any insights on this is greatly appreciated.
Thanks... Mark
Hi Mark,
I've honestly never seen anything that would allow this to be set up (although I don't profess to know everything about Dynamic Cubes). I know that you can enable/ disable caches for a cube as a whole (which could be used in a virtual cube) but generally this would rely on conformed dimensions with any other cube it was linked to, so would mean that caching would happen for the members anyway.
I will do some digging and see if I can find anything around the subject of what you are trying to do here...