I have a Contributor application with 67 elements in the e-list. when i selected this application it take about 1 minute to show the elist. before this application had 74 elist elements and it showed the elist very fast.
What can i resolve this?
the server (contributor, job, database and web is the same) has 8 gb RAM and 4 processors. i don´t think the problem is the server.
Is the performance the same on every PC? How many hops is the database server from the webserver?
users are held in lae or in a directory server?
user are held in a directory server.
the performance is the same on every PC. When I log on with a user who can access only 1 element of the elist, it show very fast.
Performance can be dependent on:
The number of eList items to display
The number of userclasses who have access to those elist items
The view and review depth settings
I would try limiting the view and review depth settings if the hierarchy is deep.
Also using the rights summary from the Admin Console will should you how many userclasses have to be resolved to access a particular node.