I am not getting anywhere with this issue finding much information via the Cognos knowledge base or Google. The issue is a single user is unable to access Cognos and gets this error:
The add operation encountered an internal error. A duplicate object was
detected, but the object could not be queried for path (AD Looking PATH).
All I see in the log is the following:
Database errors: number: 0x80004005, source: OraOLEDB, description: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, number: 0x80040e37, source: OraOLEDB, description: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, details: SELECT userid,xmldata FROM u_dw_ods_2014qvapp_admin.clientsettings WHERE userid = 'CAMID("AD:u:8d264048e3dc6e499102be78141c4675")', com error description: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
The passport is expired. The user must re-authenticate.
Other users can access Cognos with no issue. Regardless of the machine she logins in from and regardless of who is logged onto Windows she can't access Cognos from any PC.
AD issue? Password issue? Anything else for me to try?
Thanks in advance for any help or insights you can provide.
I'm thinking that because I can't see that table that perhaps some grants are missing. Will follow up with our DBA's as well.
What is the user acessing. Contributor through Internext Explorer? This being via Cognos Connection?
You mentioned other users, they are accessing the same model through IE?
Im confused by the database errors you have, I would not have expected it be a users own credentials used to access a model in the database.
It's not the model itself it's accessing, but the client settings (grid sizing, location, cube order, etc).
I don't quite remember where the setting is, might be Admin Options or Go To Production option, but look for where you can set the Store user settings or similar, and change it from server to client (meaning keep the information local to the machine). It may end up resetting the settings for all users in that app, but it should stop looking for their profile on the server.
Also, the passport expired suggests that you may want to make sure that the user starts fresh with a reboot and doesn't leave the client open all day, etc. There is a rare chance that an AD event changed something (moved depts, password change, etc) while the client was open and active
Thanks for the advice. I was able to change Persist to client however that did not change the behavior. We did try renewing the credentials as well and again no change, I will have her reboot this morning and see where that goes. I did some digging in the content store and there were two entries with different CMID's for that user. IBM is thinking of using an SDK app to correct the settings. I am interested to see how that goes. I'll post an update once resolved.
If there is anything else you can think of let me know.
Thanks again, very much appreciated.
So after much digging the real issue is that the user shows up twice in the Content Store. If I delete their profile from our namespace via Cognos administration, one entry gets removed from the content store while the other entry remains in the content store. Doing this results in the user also being removed from Planning Contributors as one might expect however they can't log into Cognos at all as there are no permissions setup for them.
The question is now how do I remove both entries from the content store so I can add them later. I found two other users like this in the content store, fortunately they are retired so no real impact to them. I should also add that I ran the consistency check a few times but it reports the content store as being in a consistent state.
Any thoughts on how to best proceed? I have located the users in 12 of the content store tables but would like to know more about any ramifications of removing them at the table level before I proceed.
Thanks again,
I resolved this by removing the user from Planning Contributors group. Then logging into the database as the cogplan user and renaming the remaining profile in the cmobjprops33 table.
Basically I did the following:
-- determine the duplicate users
select name, count(name)
from cmobjprops33
group by name
having count(name) > 1;
Note the name of the user:
Then updated the row:
update cmobjprops33
set name = name || 'x'
where name = 'username';
Support wasn't too excited by the fix but Cognos Development said it was good.