I faced the same problem: I can't install both Cognos for MS Office 10.2.0 (Go! Office) and Cognos Analysis for MS Excel 10.2.0 (CAFE).
When I install Cognos for MS Office this app works well. But then when I install Cognos Analysis for MS Excel the first app Cognos for MS Office stops working.
So I can work only with one of the two applications, but not together. In theory in MS Excel should open choice what application I want to use. But when I install Cognos Analysis for MS Excel then Cognos for MS Office doesn't work in MS Word and PowerPoint, only Cognos Analysis for MS Excel works.
I had MS Office 2010 but when the problems started with the installation Cognos for MS Office, I first thought that the version is not supported and reinstall the previous version 2007.
I tried and that: Uninstall all versions of Cognos for MS Office and CAFE. First installed CAFE and then Cognos for MS Office. Now there is no connection to the server and the following error:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(T Key key)
at Cognos.Office.Framework.Plugins.PluginManager.get_ PluginApplications()
at Cognos.Office.Framework.UI.UserControls.ucOptions. LoadUI()
at Cognos.Office.Framework.UI.UserControls.ucOptions. .ctor()
at Cognos.Office.Framework.UI.Forms.Internal.Preferen ces.Initialize()
at Cognos.Office.Framework.UI.UIManager.ShowPreferenc es()