I am using Cognos 10.2.1 and have customized the welcome page using "classic" skin as a base.
I can't seem to find how to remove the text "IBM Cognos Software" ... Any idea where I can find this to remove it?
I'm looking to fix the exact same thing. I can't seem to find the "IBM Cognos software" text that corresponds to the welcome screen in format_en.xml to switch.
Does anyone know where this text can be found?
I never did find out where the text was but did the following:
In file --> default.css --> Your cognos installing location --> cognos\c10_64\webcontent\skins\name of skin\portal
I commented out .welcomeHeaderIcon to remove the IBM logo
.welcomeHeaderTitle -- IBM Cognos Software remains on screen so I changed font size to 0.em and added text-indent: -9999px;
which will move the text off the screen
Not ideal but it does work
Thanks Dee! Great info. I'll try it. And if I do come up with a solution I'll let you know...
I can't believe it, but it was in the cache afterall. After trying to delete/disable the cache on every single one of my browsers with no luck. Eventually, the cache was refreshed, and I can now see my text instead of IBM Cognos software on the welcome screen.
It looks like "IDS_COGNOS_REPORTS", but I need to confirm that.