I have a crosstab report, which looks like
Year_Week No Year_Week No
Cal1 Cal2 Cal1 Cal2
Factory desc Estimate <#1234#> <#1234#> <#1234#> <#1234#>
Factory desc Estimate <#1234#> <#1234#> <#1234#> <#1234#>
I want to sort the output based on the Cal2 for latest latest Year_week No .
please find the attachment.
How is it possible.
Thanks in Advance
Select year and then on the top of the screen u have advanced sorting option ..there you can set the sorting for call2 and the year as descending .....hope this helps.
Hi Naveen,
I had tried that already it doesn't work for me.
I had sorted the year in descending and i want to show the data for the latest year in descending based on Cal2.
Thanks in advance
use the max function in date and try...so that it will take only the latest date.....
Sorting in a Crosstab with Cube or DMR source can be done using the Order() function.
Further, sorting while displaying only a Top n number of records can be done with the TopCount() function.