We are trying to integerate cognos with external portal. Portal Java team is asking to generate WAR file from Cognos. based on some article i executed the build.bat file which is exist in c10\war\p2pd and got error build failed. Is this right way to build war file or any other option should i enable ?
I am able to build war file by providing access to root folder. Any idea what is the use of this war file ?? can i say to integerate Cognos with external portal ?? anyother use??
Quote from: Cognos8 on 25 Feb 2015 08:19:56 AM
I am able to build war file by providing access to root folder. Any idea what is the use of this war file ?? can i say to integerate Cognos with external portal ?? anyother use??
I'm not an expert, but I think building a WAR file is necessary in order to use a third-party application server. Until 10.2.2, Cognos came with a bundled instance of Apache Tomcat to act as the application server (and from 10.2.2 onwards it uses IBM Websphere Liberty) but if you want to use a different application server than these, you need to create a WAR (Web Archive) or EAR (Enterprise Archive) file. Take a look at the Installation and Configuration Guide, page 395:
I only know enough about java to be dangerous. That said...
It sounds like somebody in your company has a copy of the Cognos SDK. I would imagine the SDK documentation could answer your questions about the war file building process. Once you have the war file though, I think you should be able to give them a copy and they can plop it down into their applications without needing access to wherever you build it.
For a portal, I would think it would be easier to call the web service APIs, which as far as I know would not require war files. But I am not a java dude. There are also portlets available, but I seem to recall that to use them, you have to have certain IBM-branded portal services, so probably not applicable. And in any case, not as flexible.