We, have recently installed Cognos 10.2.2 in POC Linux64 bit environment and below are the details.
Content Mgr-1--> Server-1
Dispatchers-2 (1 for CQM n 1 for DQM)--> Server-2
Gatway-1--> Server-3
Total 3 Linux Boxes intalled successfuly and Content Mgr configured and it started properly.
While starting the dispatcher service it statred and having the error like: "Cog.admin.service***********"
Gateway and all the servers configured with Websphere Liberty default server and for webserver we, have installed Tomcat
Cognos Portal page coming properly and we, are able to see Public folder while launching admin portal it is giving error.
DPR-ERR-2022 No response generated in Cognos 10.2.2
Any body have experienced he same please help me to resolve.