I have created a simple batch file to build a cube.
It works fine when I run it manually, but when I schedule it then it doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure the problem is to do with the -n or-n2 switch.
But, the batch file won't run at all with the -n2 switch.
I think it's something to do with the data source being a package - I read something about it a while back but can't find the reference now.
Can anyone offer an help please.
Batch file below with -n swtich.
cd Program Files (x86)\ibm\cognos\c10\bin
cogtr -n -g -p "D:\foldername\Cubes\Models\mycube.pyj"
"... when I run it manually..." - meaning you are executing the batch file from a command prompt, or you are building the cube through the Transformer GUI?
Have you created a sign-on in the model file for the user running the batch file? (In Transformer, menu item View > Signons.)
"Doesn't work" is rather lacking in information, surely there is an error message somewhere. If the batch file is running but fails to build the cube, you might need to look in the Transformer log file to find the error message. The log file can be specified on the command line.
Sorry, that was a bit vague in places.
I meant it worked when I manually ran the batch file, but didn't work in windows scheduler.
Whan I say didn't work, there was no error message or anything. The job seemed to run according to scheduler logs but no cube was built and no transofrmer log was created.
The problem was eventually tracked down to a few places, which I'll include below in case someone else has the same problem.
Even though the whole system is single signon enabled I still needed to add the signon into Transformer.
I had to fully qualify the cube location. (not d:\cubefolder but \\server001\cubefolder
Within windows scheduler I had to add a start locaton for the action, even though the folder location was specified it in the bacth file location and the start location is supposed to be optional the start location still needed to be included.
This last problem is down to having an older unpatched server I think, and the qualified name of the file is probably due to server settings too.
But, someone might have the same problem and find this useful.
Strange you had to use a UNC instead of a drive letter reference. I've never had to resort to that myself.
Glad you got it working.