We have an Cognos BI 10.2.2 installation that we want to configure with Active Directory with SSO.
When I create a new namespace in the cognos configuration. I am passing these 3 entries.
Namespace ID,
Host Name and Port
Base Distinguished Name
Other settings I have left as default.
When I try to test the namespace it prompts for username and pasword to test logon to the namespace.
After I provide the Username and password. It gives me the following error.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0146 The namespace 'AD' is not available.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0064 The function 'Configure' failed.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0089 The provider is not initialized.
[ ERROR ] CAM-AAA-0026 The function call to 'ldap_search_s' failed with error code: '1'
[ ERROR ] Operations error
[ ERROR ] AAA-AUT-0013 The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces.
Any Idea what is the issue.??
I assume you've chosen the LDAP connector (vs. the Active Directory connector)...is that correct?
If so, have a peek at this document, and ensure the mappings match up: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.2/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.c8pp_inst.10.2.2.doc/t_active_dir_mapping_with_ldap.html%23Active_Dir_mapping_with_LDAP?lang=en