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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Metrics Studio => Topic started by: snadgir30 on 03 Aug 2007 01:01:41 AM

Title: Setting up MEtric 8.1 samples
Post by: snadgir30 on 03 Aug 2007 01:01:41 AM
Hi CognosGurus,
I have cognos 8.1 metric server installed & running on my machine.
I have oracle 10g version 10.2 as metric store as well as content store.
I have used metric store DB template given by cognos to set up metric store & have given all required privilages to user for metric store.

Now when i try to set up metric sample i get error that says initialization of metric store failed.CMM_APP_3254.
let me know if i am missing any steps.

Title: Re: Setting up MEtric 8.1 samples
Post by: Ketsuki on 14 Oct 2008 09:40:30 PM
hey,I faced the same error code with you.
Please check whether your oracle is server edition.
Title: Re: Setting up MEtric 8.1 samples
Post by: JoeBoxer on 28 Dec 2008 12:30:53 PM
Unlike the rest of Cognos, Metrics Studio requires Enterprise level functionality from the database server.  Anything below enterprise server will not work for Metric Studio.