I have several reports scheduled to run @ 7am by e-mail to execs at the office. Sometimes the reports are not sent @ 7 because of a refresh issue with the db or something else. When they do not run I have to go individually into each report and change the schedule so they run sometime that day and then go back and change it back to the original scheduled time of 7am. Is there any way I can avoid going in and changing each reports schedule to make the report run? Is there a way to run failed reports in one step? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi gatorfe ,
Indeed there is a way to solve your issue;Although you have not clearly mentioned version of cognos you are using.
For cognos 8 & versions above cognos has introduced EVENT STUDIO to carry out certain activities based on an EVENT.
Now EVENT - in your case is DB refresh Activity & based on this event you want reports to run on refreshed data.
We have faced such kind of problem in our project . I will try to give outline of the concept using EVENT STUDIO.
1.You can create table in your DB that will have fields/indicators.
2.Once your data loading is complete ; field/indicator wil be changed to say 'Y'.
3.Then this is EVENT CONDITION for agent you will be creating in EVENT STUDIO which will further trigger report execution & sending it by mail.
4.Once reports are executed you can again change back the field/indicator in DB table to 'N'.
Let me know if it helps!