i would like to know if someone have the same experince like me.
I have Cognos Express 10.2.1. FP 2. Last week IBM released FP 3, so i have tried to istall it.
Installation went well, at the end of instalation process I check "i want to start Cognos services now".
But services didnt start. I had to start Cognos services manually.
After logging on, i can see my modules (reporter, planner) are not updated - still version
The same thing happened to me, when FP 2 was released. I had to install new server, install Cognos and
install fix pack 2.
Do you have any ideas or tips how to solved this thing? I cannot install new server every time
when IBM release new fix pack.
Thank you
Hi John,
did u find a solution? I have the same problem:(
No, i did not find the solution. Meanwhile IBM changed the rule game (release Cognos Express 10.2.2. = BI 10.2.2.), so now I am trying to instal BI :-(