I have multiple databases that are the exact same structure but contain different data. I am trying to make the maintenance as efficient as possible by copying the query subject I build to the different namespaces which all have different data sources. However, when I copy the query subject, it retains the original data source from where I copied it from. I can't seem to find a way to have it update to the new data source where I pasted the query subject to. Is this even possible? Will I need to recreate all of my query subjects from scratch for each data source?
Thanks so much for any insight.
Datasources and Namespaces have no tie to each other... they are separate, unrelated entities of the model.
You mention datasource so I assume the queries are datasource queries. If this is the case, then rather than copying them, simply make a copy of the SQL portion of the original query subject, and then create a new Datasource query, specifying use of the different Datasource and paste in the SQL from the original. Before you save this, be sure to change the [Datasource] name in the FROM clause to match the intended datasource of the new query.
hth... Mark