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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Transformer => Topic started by: Thibal on 03 Feb 2015 08:44:55 AM

Title: DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection when publishing a cube
Post by: Thibal on 03 Feb 2015 08:44:55 AM

I've a serious problem with IBM Cognos Application Firewall.
I work with two servers, the Cognos portal one and the Cognos Transformer one.
I try to publish a cube after its generation using the "cogtr -f" command with the following parameters

<Command Name="Publish">
<Parameter Name="CubeName" Value="SIPS_TITRE"/>
<Parameter Name="CognosConnectionDataSourceName" Value="TITRE_ENCOURS"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceWindowsLocation" Value="\\SSPSNADEV13.xxxxx.xx\COGNOS\mdc\SIPS_TITRE_20150203_144417.mdc"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceUpdate" Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageName" Value="TITRE_ENCOURS"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageUpdate" Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="ReadCacheSize" Value="0"/>

but I get a "DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection" error message.

In IBM Cognos Configuration, I tried a lot of allowed host combinations (Cognos server domain, Cognos Transformer domain server, port 80, dispatcher port), I also tried using stars and IP addresses but none has worked.

In Cognos logs, I've seen that the context id is null. I don't know if I can change this.

Trace.caf.general   determineContext(): context => null   caf   TRACE   
Trace.caf.general   isContextIdRequired(): required => true   caf   TRACE   
Audit.dispatcher.caf   Request         Failure      null context id
Audit.dispatcher.caf   Request         Failure      check context id failed

Currently my only solution is to desactivate Cognos Application Firewall.
Do you know which configuration I need ?
