Hi All,
We have a requirement to monitor all failed scheduels on a daily basis. Right now our Cognos 8 server has 300 schedules running. We need to filter out all failed schedules that are caused by user error like "Required pormpts are not filled-in".
Is there a way to create a report on this?
We want to extract the following info,
Report/Name of the Schedule, Owner, Status, Error Message, Date Executed
I tried to navigate all the tables from the sudit database but none of it provide the info thatw we need.
Hope you could help us.
Thank you!
Try using the schedule management tool as part of the Cognos Connection functionality. You can view schedules from many different perspectives.
Cognos Connections > Tools > Schedule Management
Thankz for the reply.
Thats okj for smaller number, but currently we have 300 schedules, two months after our cognos 8 server has gone live.
And the numbers of schedules are increasing.
We need to monitor it on a daily basis.
Navigating to each failed schedules in the activity tab and checking for error message and then again going back to Schedule tab to search for the corresponding schedule of that activity just to get who owns that schedule is a time consuming and very tedious task for a daily routine.
Im hoping if theres a way to pullout that data on the Schdule Management tool and put it in a report.
That way this procedure can be simplified and automated.
Thankz again!
Here are some ideas, but I will admit to not trying them myself yet as we are very report driven instead of schedule drive.
Option 1)If your schedules are being ran by event studio have it call a store procedure possibly that writes to a table that you can report off.
Option 2)If all your schedules are building out reports, try modifying the audit tables on the batch report process to log the failure messages. Then you could create a custom report based on the error messages generated.
These are just ideas. I haven't tried them myself and therefore cannot guarantee their validity. Good Luck if something else does come to me, I will be sure to post.