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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: huhumix on 29 Jan 2015 08:09:48 AM

Title: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: huhumix on 29 Jan 2015 08:09:48 AM

Just upgraded to 10.2.2 and now we're testing active reports done in 10.2.1 to see if they work.

One strange thing : we have some images we embed in the report by using Labels. In 10.2.1 they show up but in 10.2.2 the don't. The path to the image on the server is the same. And to be more weird , if for example i drag an image container from the toolbox and put the same path it works , both the new added image and the old one ( called using the Label). Once i delete the new image container , the old image is not showing up ...

Thoughts ?


Title: Re: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: MFGF on 29 Jan 2015 10:16:35 AM
Quote from: huhumix on 29 Jan 2015 08:09:48 AM
...we have some images we embed in the report by using Labels...

Can you explain exactly what you mean by this?

Title: Re: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: huhumix on 30 Jan 2015 01:52:57 AM
The active report is build having at the base a deck . It has 4 cards. Every card has a Label .
On the first card ( so the main page/first page) we insert a static repeater table  and in the "repeater Table Values Definition" we add :

a. 3 labels ( that are named exactly like card  2,3,4 of the deck , so to control them and move from themain page to page 2,3,4 )
b. 3 Images , each of them pointing to a path on the server, so to see something on which to click o be taken to page 2,3,4 respectively.

We insert an image in the cell of the repeater table and point the Source Type to be "control data item value" and the  Control Data item value to be "Image".

These images do not show up  when we ran this in 10.2.2... and also , what i said before : for example i drag an image container from the toolbox and put the same path it works , both the new added image and the old one . Once i delete the new image container , the old image is not showing up ...

Hope this makes sense now.
Title: Re: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: MFGF on 30 Jan 2015 05:29:47 AM
Quote from: huhumix on 30 Jan 2015 01:52:57 AM
The active report is build having at the base a deck . It has 4 cards. Every card has a Label .
On the first card ( so the main page/first page) we insert a static repeater table  and in the "repeater Table Values Definition" we add :

a. 3 labels ( that are named exactly like card  2,3,4 of the deck , so to control them and move from themain page to page 2,3,4 )
b. 3 Images , each of them pointing to a path on the server, so to see something on which to click o be taken to page 2,3,4 respectively.

We insert an image in the cell of the repeater table and point the Source Type to be "control data item value" and the  Control Data item value to be "Image".

These images do not show up  when we ran this in 10.2.2... and also , what i said before : for example i drag an image container from the toolbox and put the same path it works , both the new added image and the old one . Once i delete the new image container , the old image is not showing up ...

Hope this makes sense now.


I just repeated these exact steps in my 10.2.2 instance and it works fine for me. Here's my report spec (attached)


Title: Re: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: huhumix on 30 Jan 2015 05:57:37 AM
Thanks MFGF,

talked it over with some of the guys here and it seems to be form the http server configuration,,, it treats the link to that object ( image) as  something dynamic and not as something static . So that is probably why it does not show anything ( cannot find it..).

Haven't changed the configurations on the http server though... hope it works..

Title: Re: Active report on 10.2.2 >> add image using labels
Post by: MFGF on 30 Jan 2015 06:10:41 AM
Quote from: huhumix on 30 Jan 2015 05:57:37 AM
Thanks MFGF,

talked it over with some of the guys here and it seems to be form the http server configuration,,, it treats the link to that object ( image) as  something dynamic and not as something static . So that is probably why it does not show anything ( cannot find it..).

Haven't changed the configurations on the http server though... hope it works..


Question - are you viewing the active report output from within Cognos Connection/Report Studio or have you tried it outside of the Cognos instance. In 10.2.2 the MHT now gets unpacked and rendered as an HTML page within the Cognos instance (ie if it is being run from Report Studio or Cognos Connection). If you run and save the output, then download the MHT and run it from a windows folder (so it's the native MHT) do you still have the issue?