Hi All,
One of my report starts at 2:35 AM and two days back it would finish in 10 min but from past two days, don't know it would be running whole day. It does not finish at all. I have to kill the report. Even though if I re-run its not finishing. In run history, it just shows executing.
Is there a way to track where the report is stuck or what is the issue.
Your Cognos admin should be able to help you find out where it is "stuck", using the Cognos admin interface and log files.
You could also ask whoever manages your data source to check there, e.g. the DBA if you have a database source.
Hi bdbits,
Thanks for the reply. When I checked with admin he told that from the Admin console it shows only that the report is getting executed and the cogserver.log shows that the query is executed to the database. After that it does not show anything for this specific report. And another point is, if we check the database query used behind the report by executing directly through toad, it returns the data within fractions of time. So, it seems very strange, where the Cognos is stuck with this report.
If someone can suggest what other steps can be done to have a deeper look into this issue.
There are references to this around the web to a fairly deep tracing tool for Cognos referenced as IPF and QFS tracing, but the information is a bit sketchy. I believe this still works with recent releases. There is a fairly old post here by AussiePete2011 that talks about it. You may want to show this to your admin and see if he would be willing to try this.
NOTE: I would not do this on a production box. I have used Cognos tracing facilities before and they will add a LOT of extra information to the logs for EVERY report executed, and this can have a noticeable performance impact on the Cognos server. BE SURE TO TURN IT OFF WHEN YOU ARE DONE.