It's been a while since I've done this, but I thought you could view the data before pushing it to the web via a GTP.
So, I am on 8.4.1 on a SQL database.
I am running an admin link but the data isn't appearing the way I expected. I'm trying to troubleshoot the data, and I thought if I created the admin link to target the development state I could then preview the data either in the CAC or directly in the SQL database. However, I'm not readily finding the data. I see references in the Prepared Data Blocks, and I see the corresponding records in the importqueue table. I thought I could see the data in the IM_{cubename} table, but nothing is showing there.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Admin links pointing to Development produce MIBs (Model Import Blocks) which are not stored in IM tables. MIBs are also produced at the end of the copy/load/prepare cycle of an import (prepare). The IM tables you mentioned are loaded in the "load" step but only MIBs are brought into the application when you run a GTP. MIBs are in the xml blob format so you cannot read them directly. I cannot remember if the CAC has a place to browse MIBs (don't think so).
That's what I was afraid of, but I thought I would reach out to the experts. Thanks for the quick response. We'll just have to break the admin link down (only had one element, to begin with) to the smallest piece of data and work from there. For some reason, the data seems to be multiplying by 4...clearly we've got something wrong somewhere...
Just to follow up...I did not find a solution to this, but I did determine the issue. The business brought over data for all elist items and not just the detail elist parents and grandparents were included, which multiplied the actual value. Symptom solved but not the underlying question.