Cognos Configuration Manager - yellow disc by Enable CAF Validation
Have a client that is getting the CAF message. When I look at Cognos Configuration Manager, Security, Enable CAF Valiation it is set to False. But in the 2nd column there is the small image/bitmap of a yellow disc. I have seen the yellow disc on all of our Environment, URLs, but not the CAF. What does the yellow disc mean?
Of course the reaso that I am asking is because they are getting the CAF message.
Which brings up another point, so WebAdmins do not get the CAF message, but Authors do? It seems that way. Also seems like once you get the CAF message that you are unable to open/upgrade a report/query that has an error. I guess the thought being that if we do not get you the message, only a CAF, then how can we expect you to correct the report? Very strange.
Yellow disc means the setting was changed from the default configuration value.