How to Go Back to main Report
Option 1: A
votes: 0
Option 2: A
votes: 0
I have two report. Main report and Child report. I am Passing a data item value(parameter) from main report to child report.
My question is when i run the report, when control goes from main report to child report is there any way to go back to main report(In a single window). without checking the option Open in new window.
Yes. Look at the buttons available at the top of the Cognos Viewer after you have drilled through. You should see a 'Previous Report' button (http://www.auhn69.dsl.pipex.com/action_previous_report.gif) which will allow you to navigate back to the calling report.
Thanks. got It.
OMG. I cannot believe I've never paid any attention to that option on the top menu bar. Thanks so much MF!