Hi everyone,
In Framework Manager I have a query element which calculates the distinct number of a dimension (count distinct for the aggregation in the properties).
In the database, the total of distinct number is 15720813 (so the good number).
Then when I wanna test this object in Query Studio the number displayed is 15723470 which is the total number of records in the table so that's wrong.
But in Report Studio the number displayed is 15720813 which is the good number.
Why Query Studio and Report Studio don't display the same number?
Thanks in advance.
In Report Studio, Cognos is doing Auto Group and summarize property to 'yes'
In Query Studio, check if "Automatically summarize detail values, suppressing duplicates" is unchecked. If it is unchecked, check have that option selected.
You can find that option at 'Run Report' -> Advanced Options