Hi mates, this is my first time posting a rare mistake.
i`ve been upgrading from planning 8.4 platform to Planning 10.1.1 FPs 1,2,3 & 4
I am able to acces within contributor rich client, but when i pick a model from the public folders, it opens the status page from contributor but all items names in the workflow (elist) shows like "IbjuJKToGhhHFk9KGhSGHe_X|:Monday 12"
i ve never seen these before. So if its looks familiar for anyone, would be a great help.
I've seen it before, but unfortunately, I don't remember what the fix was. I don't think it was a significant fix, more like clear cache, update web cilent version, or a config setting. If I find the fix in my notes, I'll post it.
Thank you SomeClown,
I`ve been thinking in reintalling the reach client for instance, let me know if you find the notes.
I've just run in to this error on a new 10.1 install, was there a simple fix?
Hi JLCE, sorry for the delay, i ´ve found this from support page:
I hope this will help you, bye