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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Cognos Administration => Topic started by: Singh.Deepak on 12 Jan 2015 04:11:52 PM

Title: System admin id locked
Post by: Singh.Deepak on 12 Jan 2015 04:11:52 PM
I am running cognos 10.2.1 on redhat linux with Oracle 11g. recently we had oracle upgrade, many other env like Dev, production went smoothly. But one IST env we encountered some issue. The ID of admin was locked (didn't allow him to login), nobody else had admin access to that.
I ran this script
Quote<cognos install dir>/configuration/schemas/content/oracle/AddSysAdminMember.sql
to add everyone as Admin, later I made myself as admin and removed everyone from the role.

Now, I removed his ID from cognos namespace, rebooted cognos and added him back. Asked him to login and he reported the same issue.
Below is the error message he is receiving-

QuoteCM-REQ-4159 Content Manager returned an error in the response header. The error "cmAuthenticateFailed CM-CAM-4005 Unable to authenticate. Check your security directory server connection and confirm the credentials entered at login." can be found in the response SOAP header. CM-REQ-4342 An error occurred with the client.

In log file...
http-9300-1     CM  1003     1       Audit.Other.cms.CM      QUERY   ACCOUNT membership(CAMID("ATT:u:cn=<name id>,ou=people") | CAMID("<LDAP Name>") | CAMID(""))       Warning         CM-REQ-4332 Unable to create security object proxy. Unable to retrieve user information required to create account proxy object for the object "CAMID("<LDAP Name>:u:ou=people")".

Any thought on this?