I want to create a task within IBM Cognos Administration to Start and Stop a cube and another task to renew caché for a speciffic cube. When I execute either of these tasks I get the following error: XQE-ROL-0002 CANNOT FIND CUBE "XXX", VERIFY CUBE EXISTS IN COGNOS CONTENT MANAGER.
First of all let me give you the info over the enviroment of IBM Cognos:
- Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard x64
- Intel Xeon CPU E5-2680 2.7GHz (4 cores)
- 14 GB RAM
- IBM Cognos BI 10.2.1 64 bit
- IBM Cognos Cube Designer 10. 32 Bit
- IBM Cognos Framework Manager 32 Bit
All IBM Cognos BI Software is installed on a single PC
Now thet you have this brief info let me continue with the post in order to see if someone can provide me a solution:
I investigated a little and I found out via IBM BI website (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM87943) that I had to install the Fix Pack 1 in order to solve the problem. I'm not sure but I think FP5 includes all previous FP. Suposing that this is true, I installed FP5 64bit and via the file cmplst.txt I checked that the update was correctly applied.
Next I installed FP5 32 Bit, since Cube designer and Framework Manager are 32 bit. But in this case I think the update was not applied even tough the Setup Wizard said so. How do I know this? Well, in the cmplst.txt file corresponding to the 32 bit Cognos BI I still have the folowing:
C8FM_name=IBM Cognos Framework Manager
DCUBEMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Cube Designer
After the update, the end of the version should be 10.2.5005.xxxx and not 10.2.5000.xxxx or at least I think so. Asuming that the update was correctly installed even tough the cmplst.txt file does not show it, I published all my cubes again from Cube Designer. Unfortunately the problem is not solved.
I've been told that in the past there has been a cube which in time has been updated with new info and at some point someone changed the name of the cubes. There should not be any problem with this since all my reports point to the cube with the new name.
Has anyone had the same problem or similar? If so, have you been able to solve it? and how?
I hope I explained myself well. I thank you all in advance for any advice you can give me.
Quote from: Romeo on 09 Jan 2015 06:50:47 AM
I'm not sure but I think FP5 includes all previous FP. Suposing that this is true, I installed FP5 64bit and via the file cmplst.txt I checked that the update was correctly applied.
Yes - FP5 includes everything prior, so you should be fine with this. :)
Quote from: Romeo on 09 Jan 2015 06:50:47 AM
Next I installed FP5 32 Bit, since Cube designer and Framework Manager are 32 bit. But in this case I think the update was not applied even tough the Setup Wizard said so. How do I know this? Well, in the cmplst.txt file corresponding to the 32 bit Cognos BI I still have the folowing:
C8FM_name=IBM Cognos Framework Manager
DCUBEMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Cube Designer
After the update, the end of the version should be 10.2.5005.xxxx and not 10.2.5000.xxxx or at least I think so. Asuming that the update was correctly installed even tough the cmplst.txt file does not show it, I published all my cubes again from Cube Designer. Unfortunately the problem is not solved.
I hope I explained myself well. I thank you all in advance for any advice you can give me.
It sounds suspiciously like the 32-bit FP5 install did not complete. Do you see any entries in cmplst.txt that begin C8BISRVR_UPDATE? Sadly I don't have a 10.2.1 instance to hand to compare cmplst.txt versions - I'm running 10.2.2 so my versions look like this:
C8FM_name=IBM Cognos Framework Manager
DCUBEMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Cube Designer
I would try running the 32-bit fix pack again and watch closely to see if there are any errors.
Good luck!!
I tried reinstalling the Fix Pack 5 and the result is the same.
Here is the cmplst.txt corresponding to the 32-bit IBM Cognos:
[Product Information]
C8BIMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Framework Manager
LICENSE_CD_name=IBM Cognos License
DCUBEMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Cube Designer
LICENSE_BI_UPDATER_name=IBM Cognos License
[Product Update Information]
C8BISRVR_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Update
[Main Applications]
C8FM_name=IBM Cognos Framework Manager
DCUBEMODEL_name=IBM Cognos Cube Designer
And this is the cmplst.txt corresponding to the 64-bit IBM Cognos:
[Product Update Information]
C8BISRVR_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Update
COGMOB_Update_name=IBM Cognos Mobile Update
[Main Applications]
C8BISRVRRS_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Application Tier
C8RS_name=IBM Cognos Application Tier
C8CRN_name=IBM Cognos
CSN_name=IBM Cognos GO Gateway
CSNWA_name=IBM Cognos GO
CSNIU_name=IBM Cognos GO
CSNIS_name=IBM Cognos GO
CSNID_name=IBM Cognos GO
CSNPS_name=IBM Cognos GO
C8BISRVRGATE_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Gateway
C8GATE_name=IBM Cognos Gateway
C8BISRVRCM_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Content Manager
C8CM_name=IBM Cognos Content Manager
FMDSDK_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Modelling Software Development Kit
COGMOBSRVR_name=IBM Cognos Mobile Server
COGMOBCLIENT_name=IBM Cognos Mobile Client
DQA_name=IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer
I also asked the IBM people and they advised me to do a Content Store Consistency Check with the repair option. That did not work for me. The error continues to be there. The next thing i have to try is to do a full deployment of the content store, create a new content store and then import the deployed content store. That should solve the reference to any old cubes.
I will keep you informed I manage to solve the problem.
Many thanks again!
PD: Sorry for the missplacement of the post.
Hi there,
I finally managed to solve the problem to the error.
Steps I folowed:
1. Do a Full Deployment
2. Create a new blank Database for the new and empty Content Manager
3. Open IBM Cognos Configuration and change the name of the Content Manager. Local Configuration -> Acces to Data -> Content Manager -> Your content manager -> change the "Name of the database" property to the name of the previously created database
4. Restart the IBM Cognos service (from within Cognos Configuration)
5. Do an Import (importing the previous deployment file)
6. Delete the cubes from IBM Cognos Administration -> Status -> Data Stores. (in my case I had to do this because the state of the cubes was Unkown)
7. Publish the cubes again.
8. Execute the tasks or jobs. (Be carefull, if you try to execute an imported job or task you will first have to make the actual user the owner of the job/task ).
I hope I explained myself well in case someone else has the same problem.
Have a nice day!