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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Transformer => Topic started by: Nithesh UC on 04 Jan 2015 06:13:25 PM

Title: Updating Cubes automatically?
Post by: Nithesh UC on 04 Jan 2015 06:13:25 PM
Hello Guys,

Need some information about scheduling cubes automatically using Power play Transformer.

In our environment, we have installed Transformer in local Windows machine and building the cubes and publishing it in the Testing and Production Cognos manually so far. And our requirement is to refresh the cubes daily and weekly. Currently I am executing the below command in order to achieve the same in the windows machine (Batch file), but my concern is can we do it automatic (copying the latest version of cube into Linux server where Cognos BI server can have the access) without using the Windows machine, by moving this step to Linux machine?

cd "C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10.2 Transformer\bin"
"C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10.2 Transformer\bin\cogtr.exe" -n -i -s "C:\Users\localpc\Documents\Transformer\Models\Sample_Cube.pyj"

Please share if you guys have any knowledge on this.

Title: Re: Updating Cubes automatically?
Post by: faouzis on 05 Jan 2015 12:47:05 PM

Once you start scheduling the build you need the to install Transformer on Linux (same location as your BI server)

I- In the powercube properties in Transformer set the following
1-In the Data Source info tab:
a- Windows location to a dummy name i.e"dummy"
b- Unix Location to the path where your cube will reside
2- In the Procesing tab
    In the Processed Square, Click "On the server" radio button so the cube will be built on the server
II-Save the model on the Linux server

Once done
Run the cogtr command on Linux, if all works well then you can schedule it to update nightly

1- On Unix, Transformer is 32 bit and Cognos BI Server is 64 bit, so I installed them on two different directories. I am not sure about how you installed Transformer and BI server on Linux.
2- If your namespace requires a logon you have to either create a signon in transformer or provide the signon in the cogtr arguments

Hope this help

Title: Re: Updating Cubes automatically?
Post by: Nithesh UC on 06 Jan 2015 01:27:36 AM
Hi Faouzis,

That's what the option I was looking for. I have got to work on this.

I'll keep you posted on further updates.

Appreciate it.
