Hello all,
a new guy here. firstly want to say thank you to everyone every posted before. I got lots of helps from this site.
right now, I had everything seems to be working fine: server, FM, QS...etc. The only problem is, they all run on one machine. I tried to install Framework manager on second machine, was able to successfully configure it but when it started, I got a blank window. E.g. firstly tried to create a new project, then it pops up a window, trying to connect, then it got blackout, nothing but a window frame. the only clickable thing is X to close it. Then it moved to next step, where I can see the option of choose data source. When I chose creating a new data source, click Next, it gave me another blank screen. Not sure why.
I copied and pasted the URI to IE, it worked, but with less options or actions. E.g, from the same machine, I can launch query studio, analysis report..etc, but from the second machine, I can only launch report studio. But from the second machine I was able to see these Packages saved from the server.
Anybody got this problem before or have any idea about it?