we have Cognos 10.2, recently we upgrade this to Cognos 10.2.2. With this Cognos admin can see the graphical page by launching Web url. normal user could not see in this way. But when normal user launches aPPLICATION url he is able to view the graphical page. Please provide the possible solution.
Quote from: Cognos8 on 19 Dec 2014 04:10:08 AM
we have Cognos 10.2, recently we upgrade this to Cognos 10.2.2. With this Cognos admin can see the graphical page by launching Web url. normal user could not see in this way. But when normal user launches aPPLICATION url he is able to view the graphical page. Please provide the possible solution.
What does "Cognos admin can see the graphical page by launching Web url" mean? What graphical page? What web url? What do you mean by APPLICATION url? What do you mean by "graphical page"?
Please provide some details to allow us to understand your issue :)
Issue is resolved by clearing the cookies.
"Cognos admin can see the graphical page by launching Web url - when you launch cognos url user could not see the graphical image but admin can view
Application uRL : Intead of Cognos web url can launch cognos page ly using dispatcher usrl. But all the graphic image folder has to be moved to app tier.