Hi all,
I know, this is a newbie question, but am going brain dead...
I have one cube that has a list of 20 items and a link going to another cube with a list of 15 business segments... I need to allocate a percent of each of the 20 items to each of the 15 business segments. Therefore, item 1 in Business Segments will have a percent of each of the 20 items.
I have a lookup cube that has what percent to use - which will be linked from a CSV file and updated each month.
My problem is that a link cannot calculate, therefore, I am at a loss as to how to take my expense in my first cube, multiply it by the percent in my lookup cube, and then end up with the correct allocated expense in my second cube. Follow me?
Thanks for any help!
Will each business segments have a fixed percentage in all the 20 items? If there will be, a breakback with the percentages as an allocation basis will suffice.