Hi all,
my powercube has some dimensions with movable hierarchies, i.e, the product dimension contains some products that today are related to a specific Group and tomorrow will be associated with another Group
So, I have to rebuild the cube each day in order to take these updates.
But, in this dimension, some categories are excluded in a custom view.
So, if I rebuild the cube, the exclusion are removed from the view.
Can anybody help me to understand how to handle this scenario?
I hope my explanation is clear and I thank you in advance for your time.
So you want to always have all categories included, regardless of whether there are associated facts?
Look at the properties for that level. On the General tab, there is a dropdown for "Inclusion". Set that to "Always include".
Hi bdbits,
not exactly. I have in my powercube a view. This view contains a "product" dimension where some members are excluded. But, If I rebuild the powercube (deleting and regenerating categories), I must set manually each day the exclusion of the categories I want to exclude in my view.
I need to rebuild the cube because members in this dimension can change the parent member and I must consider this parent change.
Can you advice me any best practice in order to handle this requirement?
Many thanks!
Most of the time, you should not really need to delete and regenerate categories. In fact it can cause issues if MUNs change as a result, which is probably why you are having to redo the custom view each time.
Transformer will take care of reconnecting new and changed facts (measures) with the proper dim categories. Try rebuilding the cube without deleting categories.
ok, but how can I handle a member that today is related to a parent member and tomorrow is related to another parent?
If I don't delete this member the parent update is not considered . :-[
Quote from: Rosanero4Ever on 17 Dec 2014 02:52:19 AM
ok, but how can I handle a member that today is related to a parent member and tomorrow is related to another parent?
If I don't delete this member the parent update is not considered . :-[
There is a feature in Transformer called "Unique Move" that is designed for exactly this situation - see page 174 of the Transformer User Guide
Finally I understand the correct Move option usage ;)
Many thanks!
Thanks for that MFGF. It's a reflex action for me to check unique and move on the bottom of my dims, so I forgot about needing to do it.