Hi All,
I have /opt/IBM/httpd folder from where I stopped Apache server.
Can someone please help me understanding what is the impact on my cognos application of stopping apache server.
Quote from: Ana on 13 Dec 2014 01:20:04 PM
Hi All,
I have /opt/IBM/httpd folder from where I stopped Apache server.
Can someone please help me understanding what is the impact on my cognos application of stopping apache server.
It depends on whether you are using Apache (IBM http Server) as a web server for Cognos 10. If you are, then you will not be able to access Cognos 10 through a web browser since you have stopped the software which forwards http requests to Cognos. If not... there will probably be no impact.
Thanks. I tested it after stopping.
Now after starting again I am able to access it.
Thanks once again.